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Dmitry - Information Gathering Tool
Networking got bunch of advanced information gathering tools like nmap. But yet dmitry satisfies some criteria that forms foundation of information gathering.
Read more 26 May 2020
Dmitry - Information Gathering Tool

Postman installation in Kali Linux
Postman is the Google chrome app for interacting with HTTP APIs. It give a user friendly interactive environment for creating request and reading responses.
Read more 24 May 2020
Postman installation in Kali Linux

Django - Create your first project
Django is  a high-level web application frame work with loads of features in it. Actually there are endless web frameworks out there in world !! Then why Django ?  
Read more 25 Jan 2020
Django - Create your first project

Chromium installation in Kali Linux
Chromium exists within the Kali repositories and can be installed using:
Read more 10 Dec 2019
Chromium installation in Kali Linux

What the Heck is… The Cloud?
The cloud, or cloud computing, is not new but it remains a major buzzword in the business and technology world. I would assume that most people know by now what...
Read more 09 Nov 2019
What the Heck is… The Cloud?