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Hi, I am Grim, the author of Genesis!


Posts by grim

Pytest - A Guided Series - Part 1

Testing is a major inevitable part of Software development. As the technology and standard gets updated every now and then, testing for such complex codes demanded a framework to ensu...

In Python, Coding, Jan 23, 2023

Debugging in Python - Logging module

Whenever we do programming, print statements are very helpful for debugging/conveying the code status to the user. Let’s say now our code is in production and all these print statemen...

In Python, Coding, Oct 15, 2022

Pickle your Python Code

Pickling is one of the modules in python that helps us in serialization and de-serialization process.In this post, we are going to talk in detail about this module and glance on some ...

In Python, Coding, May 15, 2022

Automatic Code Documentation with Doxygen

Documenting your code is a form of art!A well documented code could save you in various scenarios. Even if a new member starts going through an already available code or the author(hi...

In Coding, Oct 12, 2021

Customize your terminal in 3 Steps

Everytime I run up with coding/pen-testing kind of videos in youtube, I see cool patterns or texts at the top of terminal. I had wondered how this is done? I did some browsing stuffs ...

In Linux, tips & tricks, Jul 15, 2021

Decorators in Python

Recently we came across this catchy concept in python and we thought it would be helpful on writing some basic stuffs about this. So lets dive in!!!

In Python, Sep 07, 2020

The Sudoers - Controlling privileages

Sudoers is a file in directory ‘/etc/sudoers’ in Linux or Mac OS. By editing this file, we can control the access granted to various clients.

In Linux, tips & tricks, Jul 29, 2020

Using Wireshark - A kick start for beginners

Wireshark proved to be one of most powerful network package capturing and analysis tool. Download is pretty much easy and given the link here. Once you fire up Wireshark it’ll look li...

In Kali, Penetration, Jul 05, 2020

Troubleshoot-Cannot run VLC as root

After fresh installation or upgrade of existing versions, Vlc might not open. On trying the best with terminal, if you have received traces like Cannot run vlc as root this post could...

In Kali, Jun 12, 2020

Dmitry - Information Gathering Tool

Networking got bunch of advanced information gathering tools like nmap. But yet dmitry satisfies some criteria that forms foundation of information gathering.

In Kali, May 26, 2020